A pie in the sky

Caption: On large scales, the Universe resembles a giant web. But the appearance of this cosmic web is very different when seen through different observables. The movie shows some of these looks using a slice through the output from a numerical simulation. The quantities shown are, from the top slice in clockwise order: the matter (over)density, hydrogen neutral fraction, gas temperature, metallicity (= mass fraction of elements heavier than helium), and stellar mass (relative to the Sun mass).
Author: Enrico Garaldi
Affiliation: University of Bonn
Original Image: link
# The data required to run this code can be found at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jRb8SweYSydJYufjARoE4VCH0wm1FoQE/view
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec
from math import pi as PI
from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import map_coordinates
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap
from matplotlib.cm import register_cmap
__license__ = "GNU GPLv3 <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt>"
__copyright__ = "20221 Enrico Garaldi"
__author__ = "Enrico Garaldi <egaraldi@uni-bonn.de>"
__version__ = "1.0"
# create & register a new colormap
_cm_name = 'BlackToYellow'
_cm_data = { 'red' : ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
(0.25, 0.0, 0.0),
(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)),
'green' : ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
(0.25, 0.0, 0.0),
(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)),
'blue' : ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
(0.25, 0.0, 0.0),
(1.0, 0.0, 0.0))
register_cmap(name=_cm_name, cmap=LinearSegmentedColormap(_cm_name,_cm_data))
# create a function to create a pie plot
def PiePlot(ax, *args, radius=0.8, initial_angle=0.0, cmaps=None, vmins=None, vmaxs=None, edge_deltaR=0, bcm_Rmin=0.85,
bcm_Rmax=0.90, bcm_Rticklabels=0.95, bcm_Rlabel=1.0, bcm_Nsteps=100, bcm_ticks=5, bcm_ticklabels=None,
bcm_buffer_angle_frac=0.1, bcm_labels=None, bcm_labels_fontsize=15, bcm_ticklabels_fontsize=10, bcm_labels_tilt=None,
bcm_ticklabels_tilt=None, bcm_edge_deltaR=0, resample=None):
Plots a (collection of) field(s) in a circle with slices showing different
fields. It also produces circular colorbars.
ax : matplotlib.Axes
Axes to draw on
*args : (set of) squared 2D np.array
fields that will be drawn in each slice (one per slice).
The number of fields determines the number of slices.
radius : float in (0,1]
radius of circular plot in unit of half field side
initial_angle : float
offset from 0 of the first slice in radians
cmaps : list of string
For each field, name of the matplotlib colormap to use.
If None, a set of default colormaps is used.
vmins : list of floats
For each field, vmin to use in the colormap.
If None, vmin = min(field)
vmaxs : list of floats
For each field, vmax to use in the colormap.
If None, vmax = max(field)
edge_deltaR : float in [0,1)
thickness of plot edge (fraction of the radius)
bcm_Rmin : float > 0
inner radius of the colorbar
bcm_Rmax : float > 0,1
outer radius of the colorbar
bcm_Rticklabels : float > 0
radius of colorbar ticklabels
bcm_Rlabel : float > 0
radius of colorbar label
bcm_Nsteps : int
number of steps used to build the colorbar
bcm_ticks : int OR list of ints OR list of list of floats
if int, number of ticks in the colorbar,
if list of int, number of ticks for each field
if list of list of floats, tick values for each field
bcm_ticklabels : list of list of strings
ticklabels for each fields.
If None, the numerical value is printed using the format '%.2g'
bcm_buffer_angle_frac : float in [0,0.5)
angular buffer between slice edge and colorbar in units
of the slice angle
bcm_labels : list of string
colorbar labels for each field
bcm_labels_fontsize : int
font size for colormap label
bcm_ticklabels_fontsize : int
font size for colormap ticklabels
bcm_labels_tilt : float OR list of floats
if float, impose a fixed tilt for the labels (in degrees)
if list of floats, impose a fixed tilt for each field
if None, the labels are tangential to the colorbar
bcm_ticklabels_tilt : float OR list of floats
if float, impose a fixed tilt for the ticklabels (in degrees)
if list of floats, impose a fixed tilt for each field
if None, the ticklabels are tangential to the colorbar
bcm_edge_deltaR : float in [0,1)
thickness of colorbar edge (fraction of the radius)
resample : float
resample the input field by the factor provided (i.e. if the input fields
have shape [Nx,Ny], they will be resampled to [resample*Nx,resample*Ny]
if None, no resample will be performed
fields = list(args) #enable modifications to args
Nfields = len(args)
#check input
for field in fields:
if field.ndim != 2:
print("ERROR: fields must be 2-dimensional!")
nx,ny = field.shape
if nx != ny:
print("ERROR: fields must be squared!")
if (radius > 1) | (radius <= 0):
print("ERROR: radius must be in (0,1]!")
if (cmaps is None):
cmaps = sorted(m for m in plt.cm.datad if not m.endswith("_r"))[0:Nfields]
if (vmins is None):
vmins = []
for field in fields:
vmins.append( field.min() )
if (vmaxs is None):
vmaxs = []
for field in fields:
vmaxs.append( field.max() )
if (bcm_Rmin <= 0):
print("ERROR: bcm_Rmin must be > 0!")
if (bcm_Rmax <= 0):
print("ERROR: bcm_Rmax must be > 0!")
if (bcm_Rticklabels <= 0):
print("ERROR: bcm_Rticklabels must be > 0!")
if (bcm_Rlabel <= 0):
print("ERROR: bcm_Rlabel must be > 0!")
if (bcm_buffer_angle_frac >= 0.5) | (bcm_buffer_angle_frac < 0):
print("ERROR: bcm_buffer_angle_frac must be in [0,0.5)!")
if (bcm_edge_deltaR >= 1) | (bcm_edge_deltaR < 0):
print("ERROR: bcm_edge_deltaR must be in [0,1)!")
if (bcm_buffer_angle_frac >= 0.5) | (bcm_buffer_angle_frac < 0):
print("ERROR: bcm_buffer_angle_frac must be in [0,0.5)!")
if (bcm_edge_deltaR >= 1) | (bcm_edge_deltaR < 0):
print("ERROR: bcm_edge_deltaR must be in [0,1)!")
if (bcm_labels is None):
bcm_labels = []
for i in range(Nfields):
bcm_labels.append( "field %i"%i )
bcm_ticks_in_input = False
if isinstance(bcm_ticks, int):
bcm_Nticks = [bcm_ticks]*Nfields
elif isinstance(bcm_ticks, list):
if isinstance(bcm_ticks[0], int):
bcm_Nticks = bcm_ticks
elif isinstance(bcm_ticks[0], list):
bcm_Nticks = [len(_Nticks) for _Nticks in bcm_ticks]
bcm_ticks_in_input = True
print("ERROR: bcm_ticks can only be a int OR a list of int OR a list of list of int!")
if (bcm_labels_tilt is not None):
if not isinstance(bcm_labels_tilt, list):
bcm_labels_tilt = [bcm_labels_tilt]*Nfields
if (bcm_ticklabels_tilt is not None):
if not isinstance(bcm_ticklabels_tilt, list):
bcm_ticklabels_tilt = [bcm_ticklabels_tilt]*Nfields
if (resample is not None) and (resample != 1):
px = ( np.arange(resample*nx) + 0.5 ) / resample
py = ( np.arange(resample*ny) + 0.5 ) / resample
newcoords = np.meshgrid(px,py)
for i in range(len(fields)):
fields[i] = map_coordinates(fields[i], newcoords, order=1, mode='nearest').T
nx,ny = fields[0].shape
slice_angle = 2*PI/Nfields
Lside = nx
xc = nx//2
yc = ny//2
xs,ys = np.mgrid[0:nx, 0:ny]
pixel_angle = np.arctan2(ys-yc, xs-xc) + PI #[0, 2*PI]
pixel_angle = (pixel_angle - initial_angle)%(2*PI)
pixel_radius = np.sqrt( (xs-xc)**2 + (ys-yc)**2 )
#plot edge
edgepixels = np.ma.masked_where( (pixel_radius >= (radius+bcm_edge_deltaR)*Lside//2),
np.ones_like(pixel_angle) )
ax.imshow(edgepixels, cmap='Greys_r', vmin=0, vmax=0)
for i,field in enumerate(fields):
#plot field
masked_field = np.ma.masked_where( (pixel_angle < i*slice_angle) |
(pixel_angle > (i+1)*slice_angle) | #there should be a >= here, but this sometimes produce empty pixels, so I removed it
(pixel_radius > radius*Lside//2) , field )
ax.imshow(masked_field, cmap=cmaps[i], vmin=vmins[i], vmax=vmaxs[i])
#bcm = bent colormap
th_min = i*slice_angle + bcm_buffer_angle_frac*slice_angle
th_max = (i+1)*slice_angle - bcm_buffer_angle_frac*slice_angle
th_mid = (i+0.5)*slice_angle
#colormap edge
bcm_edge_deltatheta = np.arcsin(bcm_edge_deltaR/bcm_Rmax)
edgepixels = np.ones_like(pixel_angle)
edgepixels = np.ma.masked_where( (pixel_radius < (bcm_Rmin-bcm_edge_deltaR)*Lside//2) |
(pixel_radius >= (bcm_Rmax+bcm_edge_deltaR)*Lside//2) |
(pixel_angle < th_min-bcm_edge_deltatheta) |
(pixel_angle >= th_max+bcm_edge_deltatheta) ,
np.ones_like(pixel_angle) )
ax.imshow(edgepixels, cmap='Greys_r', vmin=0, vmax=0)
vmin = vmins[i]
vmax = vmaxs[i]
pixels = 10*np.ones_like(pixel_angle)
for j in range(bcm_Nsteps):
step_min = j/bcm_Nsteps
step_max = (j+1)/bcm_Nsteps
step_mid = j/(bcm_Nsteps-1)
w = (pixel_radius >= bcm_Rmin*Lside//2) & (pixel_radius < bcm_Rmax*Lside//2) & (pixel_angle >= th_min+step_min*(th_max-th_min)) &\
(pixel_angle < th_min+step_max*(th_max-th_min))
pixels[w] = step_mid
cm = np.ma.masked_greater(pixels, 1)
ax.imshow(cm, cmap=cmaps[i])
for j in range(bcm_Nticks[i]):
if bcm_ticks_in_input:
jtick = (bcm_ticks[i][j] - vmin) / (vmax - vmin)
jtick = j/(bcm_Nticks[i]-1)
xtick = xc - bcm_Rticklabels*Lside//2*np.sin(th_min+jtick*(th_max-th_min)+initial_angle)
ytick = yc - bcm_Rticklabels*Lside//2*np.cos(th_min+jtick*(th_max-th_min)+initial_angle)
if (bcm_ticklabels_tilt is None):
tilt = ( (th_min + jtick*(th_max-th_min) + initial_angle)*180/PI )%360
if (verticalalignment > 90) and (tilt <= 270): tilt += 180
tilt = bcm_ticklabels_tilt[i]
if (bcm_ticklabels is None):
vtick = "%.2g"%(vmin + jtick*(vmax-vmin))
vtick = bcm_ticklabels[i][j]
ax.text(xtick, ytick, vtick, verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='center', rotation=tilt, transform=ax.transData, fontsize=bcm_ticklabels_fontsize)
xlabel = xc - bcm_Rlabel*Lside//2*np.sin(th_min+0.5*(th_max-th_min)+initial_angle)
ylabel = yc - bcm_Rlabel*Lside//2*np.cos(th_min+0.5*(th_max-th_min)+initial_angle)
if (bcm_labels_tilt is None):
tilt = ( (th_mid+initial_angle)*180/PI )%360
if (tilt > 90) and (tilt <= 270): tilt += 180
tilt = bcm_labels_tilt[i]
ax.text(xlabel, ylabel, bcm_labels[i], verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='center', rotation=tilt, transform=ax.transData, fontsize=bcm_labels_fontsize)
#load simulation
print("Loading simulation data...")
fields = np.load('fields_resampled.npz')
gal_field = np.load('gal_field2.npy')
print(" Plotting...")
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
gs = GridSpec(1,1)
ax_img = fig.add_subplot( gs[0 ,0] )
for i,theta_in in enumerate(np.arange(360,0,-0.5)):
np.log10(fields['met']), fields['temp'] /1e3, np.log10(fields['xHI' ]), np.log10(fields['oden']), np.log10(gal_field),
cmaps=['terrain', 'YlOrRd', 'Spectral', 'viridis', 'BlackToYellow'],
vmins=[-23, 7.7, -5.1, -1.1, 0],
vmaxs=[0, 20.1, -3.9, 2.1, 7],
bcm_ticks=[[-20,-15,-10,-5], [8,12,16,20],[-5,-4.5,-4], [-1,0,1,2], [2,4,6]],
bcm_labels=[r'$\log(Z/Z_{\odot})$', r'$T \, [10^3 \, {\rm K}]$', r'$\log(x_{\rm HI})$', r'$\log(1+\delta_{\rm b})$', r'$\log(M_*/M_\odot)$'],
print(" Saving final output (%i)..."%i)
fig.savefig('pie5_%i.png'%i, pad_inches=-1, dpi=300)
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