Caption: On large scales, the Universe resembles a giant web. But the appearance of this cosmic web is very different when seen through different observables. The movie shows some of these looks using a slice through the output from a numerical simulation.
Caption: The dominant matter component of the Universe is a mysterious substance dubbed Dark Matter, which drives the formation of galaxies and cosmic structure thanks to its gravitational attraction, but does not interact with light.
Caption: The plots shows the trajectories followed by all stars that end up in a galaxy. The image is created from a zoom-in hydrodynamical simulation part of the ZOMG suite.
Caption: Galaxies grow over billions of years through a hierarchical process. Smaller objects merge and form larger ones, that then combine into even bigger ones. Most of these events involve galaxies with very unequal mass, and the fate of the smaller objects can be very different depending on their size and orbit.